The R Days took place at the end of June 2017 in Anglet, France. The slides of the various presentations have been made public on github
I just attended the first day (the program is available on the site. Here are the highlights:
- 9h-10h : Invited speaker; Marie-Pierre Etienne. Ecology Analysis using R
- Interesting application of statistical models in analyzing how and where the animals travel.
- The slides are here.
- 10h30-11h30 : Session in parallel S2 (Model)
- 13h45-15h00 : Round table of various companies and the use of R. It covers topics such as:
- Compatibility (or not) of the open-source model
- R and its replacement of SAS solutions (or even Excel solutions)
- Deploying R in a production environment (with IT and end-user expectations)
- 15h00-16h00 : Invited speaker: Joel Gombin. He covers the topic of Data Journalist
- 16h30-17h30 : Session in parallel. I went for session S4 (visualization)
- Olivier Eterradossi provided a very complete overview of the color management in R. I recommend checking out the slides